
Hi Kids - Send us your pictures to be featured as

We'd love to display your work. Becoming an artist takes time and practice, and it's always nice to show off your effort along the way. Mail us your drawings, colorings, or other fun artworks, and we'll put them up in our online gallery for all the world to see.

We also feature a number of pictures right in the pages of each book. If your image is selected for use in a book, your name will be listed on the copyright page canvas, and we'll mail you a book for free!

To learn how you can send in some of your work, grab your parent or guardian and read through our submission instructions below.

Activities and Games

Ally's Artboard

Ally Ann's Artboard

Be an artist like Ally Ann and paint your own picture. Then save it to your computer so you can send it out or print it!

Try It Out!

Instructions for Submitting Your Artwork


1 Create your picture using crayons, pencils, markers or anything else you'd like to use. We'd prefer it be on white 8.5 x 11 inch paper. On the backside of the picture, lightly write the child's first name and last initial, age, city, and state. -- ex. John S. 7 Lafayette, IN

2 Complete the required Image Waiver. We must have this in order to publish your images in our books and on the website.
For a detailed description of the image waiver content, click here

3 Place your pictures and waiver into a large envelope. The envelope needs to be big enough that you don't have to fold the papers. Creases in your drawings make it difficult for us to use them.

4 Mail your images off to us at:

Mother-Son Creations
P.O. Box 6147
Lafayette, IN 47903

5 If you include an email address, we'll let you know when we post your images online. We'll also send you an email if we use your work in one of our books, so you can know when to expect your free copy!